Sunday, March 29th - Happy Pear Tree Day in the Central District :)The 130 year old pear tree on the corner of 27th and Cherry has been recognized as "Best in City" by the Seattle Heritage Tree Program and its co-sponsors, Plant Amnesty and the City of Seattle. The tree has been featured in numerous books and is one of the largest in Washington State. It is fruit-bearing and is actually relatively young--this species (Pyrus communis) has been know to live for up to 650 years! It flowers out magnificently with white flowers that fill the intersection with radiance.
The dedication will have a few speakers, including the city arborist, and we will unveil a stone that we have had inscribed to honor the tree. As property owners for over twenty years of this special spot, we welcome everyone to this gathering and we can make pear cider toasts to the health of the tree, the neighborhood and all of those who attend. We'll have tables set up and a tent if it is raining, so if you'd like to bring a pear dish of some sort to share then please do! Sunday, March 29, noon.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
This Sunday: Happy Pear Tree Day in the CD
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Pine Street on a Saturday Afternoon
Now that the weather is better (or at least not crappy), Pine is getting pretty lively again. Pedestrians are out and about, people are sitting outside again, and all the haunts are full - Traveller's, Stumptown, Bauhaus, etc. Crocuses and daffodils are blooming, all the little birdies are chirping...there's even a Sidewalk Vintage sale on Bellevue and Pine.
Crowds, flowers, garage sales- ah, the Hill in Spring.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Olive & Denny Crosswalk Update
There will be a lot of big trucks going to and fro on the Hill once construction begins on the Capitol Hill Light Rail Station. Their route to the site is very short and very direct - up Denny to Broadway and down Olive back to I5. However, that section of those two streets is an area of heavy pedestrian cross-traffic. That section of Denny and Olive are exciting for pedestrians as it is, with the lack of crosswalks, the slope and a curve that limits visibility (sidenote: the need for crosswalks on this part of Denny and Olive is mentioned in the 1998 Capitol Hill Neighborhood Plan).
Last fall some members of the Pine-Olive Way-Howell Area Triangle (POWHat) Neighborhood Association expressed that they'd like more crosswalks on Olive and Denny between Broadway and I5 in order to ameliorate the impact of the light rail construction on pedestrian traffic. I have been communicating with SDOT's Pedestrian and Bicycle Group ever since.
I am delighted to announce that there's been some progress on the matter. Virginia Coffman of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Group at SDOT says:
Based on the data that has been collected so far I can tell you that we are focusing on Boylston Ave E [as a possible crosswalk site] where there is a preferred pedestrian crossing. However before we can provide a good decision on what sort of crossing improvement can be made a more detailed look at the intersection and adjacent roadways is required.This is a great leap forward from the "we have no idea if we're going to do anything for pedestrians in the face of giant trucks constantly driving up and down Olive and Denny for two years" position that they've held for last few months. To SDOT's credit, they held that position because they wanted to do their homework before they made any promises; it seems they hold the philsophy that it's a bad idea to screw around with traffic flow all willy-nilly.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
From the alma mater
Dear SU Alumni,I’m writing to you about a conference that strikes at the very heart of our mission: The role of social justice in sustainability. It is being held on our campus Thursday, April 2, and Friday, April 3. The cutting edge definition of sustainability is framed in terms of environmental health, economic development, and social justice. In interviews with sustainability officers in business, government, NGOs, and faith-based organizations, the conveners of this conference heard again and again that the most neglected part of sustainability is social justice. This conference is a step in remedying that neglect.
John W. Dienhart
The Frank Shrontz Chair for Business Ethics
Director, Albers Business Ethics Initiative
Director, Northwest Ethics Network
There's a lot of green in this town, but it's only been relatively recently that all that eco has been associated with social justice (except for the Community Coaltion for Environmental Justice - I'm pretty sure they've been around since forever). I'm happy to see that SU has decided to take a hand in making up for that.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Requiem for a Newspaper
Welcome to the journalism revolution. Please keep your hands and arms inside the vehicle at all times, and don't forget to buckle your safety belt - it's going to be a bumpy ride.
Rising Unemployment = Rising Volunteerism
Will he run for mayor already?
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Vacation for everyone
Unlike 127 other countries, the U.S. has no minimum paid-leave law. Australians have four weeks off by law, the Europeans four and five weeks. The Japanese two weeks. We have zero. The lack of annual leave standards means many Americans never get time off, says "No Vacation Nation," a recent report by the Center for Economic Policy Research.We're the richest damn country in the world (though that may not hold out for long). I would like to think we can afford to give ourselves some time off.
Actually, I'm not sure we can afford not to. Time away from the hustle and bustle lets you unwind and de-stress - there's some proof that taking your vacation time can bring down your risk of death and heart disease. It's also bound to reduce one's chances of other stress-related problems like reduced disease immunity, anxiety and depression. Happy and healthy workers are productive workers. So remember folks: vacation is good for profits and good for your health.
Friday, March 13, 2009
On the Cheap: Medical Care for the Uninsured
UPDATE: Here's my article in CHS blog listing low and no cost health care resources in the Seattle area. Seeing as a bunch more people are out of health care now, I thought it'd be useful.
Wordle to Your Mother
And for some reason, I could only get a thumbnail and not a full size image (pout).
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The End of a Keruffle
UPDATE:Here's another eulogy for HB 1490 from the Seattle Times.
Vermillion / Unpaving Paradise Night
P.S. Curious about how you can help make a park and P-Patch a reality @ John & Summit? Visit the UP blog :)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Kids with guns
It's cool that the state legislature finally decided to do something about this, but seriously - we let little kids run around in the woods with guns. What the hell.
That is so sweet
Sunday, March 8, 2009
WA State recognizes Penny Arcade
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Ruggers at The Purr
There's nothing like a cozy gay bar full of happy rugby players to brighten up a cold and rainy day.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Shiny new green toy: GoodGuide
I just found out that Suave has a better rating for its shampoo than Aveda: 8.7 for Suave's Balsalm and Protein versus a 5.1 for Aveda's Shampure. Unfortunately, this does not take into account the fact that Suave still makes crappy shampoo. However, Burt's Bees in first in the shampoo category with an 8.8, so maybe I do have a chance of having nicely groomed hair while still saving the planet.
The moral of the story: don't let greenwashing fool you - do your homework. Or get the Internet to do your homework for you.
My new friend, Newsvine
I like it because I can export all the super-local news I pick up out into the greater blogosphere/internets. Also, Newsvine has a setup something like Google Adsense, so you may be able to earn latte money from your Newsvine column if it gets popular enough. Speaking of - my Newsvine column is now in the "Longest Blogroll Ever" if you want to take a look.
PS Even cooler - Newsvine is local.
You too can breastfeed in public
It's sad we had to pass a law about that. Man, we're weird in America.
On the cheap: Cheap Eats Around Seattle
Go Local: Brooklyn
The part I really like was all the bartering that went on within this organic/hyper-local food community - a chocolate maker traded chocolate bars for their convection oven, for example. Then again, I imagine Theo Chocolate could do that same here; chocolate is practically currency even in this day and age. But do they do that? I guess my point is that the NY Times article made me a little jealous - I'd like to see more of that community spirit/economy here in Seattle.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
On the Cheap: Love, the BBC
Why don't we have a bag tax already?
Anti-Hate Vigil Coverage
How many closets are there?
This begs the question: just how many closets are there? Or is it one big undifferentiated closet for all people who have aspects to themselves they don't want to share with the public? That would be one crowded, awkward closet. I can just imagine the conversations...
A: "Why are you in here?"
B: "Well, I just found Jesus/Buddha/Mohammad/the Big Spaghetti Monster but I'm not really comfortable talking about it with the friends and family yet. They really don't do the whole religion thing"
A: "Oh...I'm an atheist living in a highly religious small town and I fear persecution if I tell everyone my beliefs"
(awkward silence)
Actual homosexual: What the hell are you people doing in my closet?
P.S. This doesn't preclude atheists from admittance into The Closet. Just straight ones.