Friday, January 30, 2009
I can't believe I found this candy. Marketed for Valentine's Day, of all things. What were the marketing people at Lotte thinking? "Hey, nothing says love like a high school student trying to put their fingers in your butt! Right?" Well, this is Seattle...
My guess is that they never read Gaijin Smash, so they have no idea how funny this is. I have to thank them for that - it made my day.
Special Bonus Feature: Kancho Demonstration Video by Naruto
P.S. Why? Why is it so cute?! Is this candy a diabolical scheme by Japanese high school students to deceive Americans into thinking a kancho is a delicious chocolate-filled cookie snack? Can you imagine the horror and betrayal some naive young teacher would feel when they learned the (painful) truth!?
P.P.S. "Would you like a kancho, sensei?" THE HORROR!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The things I learn from watching too many video games
There are little pop quizzes that come up as part of the game and they're surprisingly difficult. I've learned all kinds of interesting things from having to Google up the answers to about half the questions. My favoritest random fact so far:
Dawn, or astronomical dawn, is defined as "that time at which there is enough light for objects to be distiguishable and that outdoor activities can commence." Nautical dawn is defined as "that time at which there is just enough sunlight for objects to be distiguishable." (Thanks to the NOAA office in Peachtree, GA for the answer on that one.)The things we have definitions for. It makes me happy.
Things I saw on The Slog
- Obamarama: BizCasPrez and Happy He Signed It, Too Bad It Didn't Happen By Itself
- We Proved It With Science: Reading Is Good For You - I've been trying to figure out why TV is so bad for the brain but reading is so good for it. It's common knowledge, I know it from experience, but I couldn't figure out why staring at pictures on a screen was so different than staring at words on a page. Now I know. Thank you, Neuroscience.
- Why so creepy? - Service providers, stop screwing with the Internet!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
National Endowment for the Newspapers
All I've been hearing about is how the internet killed the newspaper star. It's true that the inter-tubes are fierce competition in the realm of information delivery. However, while it's easy for bloggers to get the advantage on local issues, it's not as if they have the money to pay for investigative or international journalism. And for some reason, that's what always gets cut first... by, as Mr. Stonehill points out, the newspaper's parent corporation board of directors. Ah, sound business sense at it's finest.
Who knows? Maybe President Obama [:D] will find a little money left over to bolster one of the cornerstones of a modern democracy: high-quality journalism.
On the Cheap Green Edition
I heart discounts
P.S. Non-business owners (like myself) can be members of the Chamber of Commerce, too. $75 means free entrance to their events, email updates, and now, discounts at local businesses.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Happy Lunar New Year :)
One of my favorite benefits of living in a multicultural environment: more holidays (It's right behind the expansion of one's cultural horizons and new kinds of tasty food). If you haven't celebrated the Lunar New Year yet, now's your chance. Maybe I'll see you there.
Sun Liquor
Ganymeda made the place sound so nice I had to write this post to absolve myself of the guilt of never having been there myself. It might even convince me to get my butt over there later this week.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Huggin' Trees
The fruits of our labor:
Huggin' trees one restoration site at a time :)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
At the corner of
I was there
For now, a video of the proceedings courtesy of yelahneb and CHS blog:
inauguration day victory march from yelahneb on Vimeo.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inauguration Seattle: Wow
Am I tired? Yes. Do I have other things to do tonight? Yes. Am I going to this Obama-flavored Cap Hill samba-fest anyway? Oh hells yes.
Inauguration Seattle
Both King 5 and the Seattle Times have bloggers in DC: I couldn't find a good link to King 5's blogonaut, but here's where you can find the ST bloggers.
Inauguration Fun
I ran into a friend of mine while I was making my way up the line (Bless you, Schteevie!), so I did get to see some of the action on the big screen before I had to put in my punchcard. There was still room on the inside, but it was getting full fast.
That's what I got to stay to see. At work, we tried to get a live feed so we could show it on a project in our conference room, but that was a no-go. Cuz, you know, everyone and their second cousin was online watching this thing. We finally did get a feed on someone's computer, so I got to see the swearing-in live, then we listened to his speech on the radio. It was so cute when he couldn't remember what to repeat back to the swearing-in guy!
I was so excited that I didn't really hear half of Obama's speech. I'll just have to be a fangirl and listen to the whole thing over again once I get home tonight.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
On the Cheap Part II
Shaking the Money Tree (Tonight!)
The ABC’s of Grassroots Fund Raising
Learn basic principles of how grassroots organizations can raise money from individuals.
Wednesday, January 14 6:30–8:30 pmPeople Power - Community Empowerment & Organizing
Learn how communities can empower and organize themselves to take collective action!
Wednesday, January 28 6:30–8:30 pmTechnology 101 A Building Community, One Website or Blog at a Time!
Learn to increase your community’s resources & flow of information through a website or blog.
Wednesday, February 11 6:30–8:30 pmSharing Our Gifts & Assets - A Model for Community Change
Share personal & community stories about challenges & opportunities for involvement to improve your community.
Wednesday, February 25 6:30–8:30 pm
The Dept. of Neighborhoods is also hosting one more Large Projects Fund (aka Neighborhood Matching Fund) Technical Assistance Workshop on January 22nd from 6-7:30pm at Yesler Community Center (917 E Yesler Way). This is an essential class if you, like me, are going to be involved in the Neighborhood Matching Fund application process any time soon.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
On the cheap
Twice Sold Tales Winter Happy Hour (Harvard and Denny)- Used bookstores are always good times when you have no money - they let you sit around and read forever, and you might just be able to afford the book you got so interested in. Now add cats and a 25% off all books for the last two hours Twice Sold is open (6-8pm Sunday through Thursday, 8-10pm Friday & Saturday). Delightful.
Central Basics Program at Madison Market (Madison and 16th) - After getting a lot of feedback from its members, Madison Market decided to start Central Basics: starting this month, the co-op will regularly rotate deeply discounted organic food staples. The only catch is that you need to be a member of the co-op to take advantage of the discount. Considering that lifetime membership is $60, you can pay as you go along in $5 increments, and I just got 89 cent organic beans today, I think it's worth it to sign up.
Meditation Satsang @ 8 Limbs Yoga (Summit and Pike) - Every Thursday from 8:30 - 9:30pm. From the website:"Satsang means a gathering of people seeking "sat", truth. Join Natasha for meditation, chanting, and lots of bhakti, devotion." Meditation is good for you, learning more about meditation is good for you, meeting nice mellow new people is good for you. Also, it's free.
The International District - The contrast between Cap Hill, Downtown and the ID is much sharper than between, say, Ballard, Fremont and Wallingford. This means I can get away from the Hill and Downtown (where I spend all my time) without even having to take a bus. Also, cheap food all around - restaurants, produce, you name it. (Kinokuniya doesn't count.) I recommend the Green Leaf on Maynard, Hong Kong Homestyle Barbecue on King, and all the indy markets on Jackson.
Volunteer Park Conservatory (Volunteer Park) - It's a very, very nice place to visit on a Seattle winter's day. The conservatory is nice and warm, it's full of lush plants, and now there's even a sound sculpture installed in one of the rooms that sounds like wind chimes.
- Seattle Free School (all over Seattle)- Community members learn new skills and teach others new skills, and money never changes hands. Learn how to keep bees! Learn how to keep chickens! Learn how to keep a straight face while improvising!
- Williams-Sonoma Complimentary Cooking Classes (U Village and Pacific Place locations) - I stopped by the U Village store during the Snowpocalypse and picked up a flyer listing all kinds of technique and cooking classes that are coming up in January and February. A few examples: Braising Basics, Simple Desserts, Breakfast Essentials, Fabulous Flavors of Slow Cooking. Nom? Nom. Call the location you want to go to in order to RSVP - tiny free classes fill up fast.
Almost forgot
When: Saturday, January 17, 2009 02:00 PM - 01/17/2009 06:00 PM
Where: Faire Gallery and Cafe - 1351 East Olive Way
What: Battle for Wii supremacy at the first annual Wii Sports Tournament! Pizza for all and prizes for the winners. $10 entry fee - all proceeds go to the park-to-be at John and Summit.
Hosted by the Capitol Hill Community Council
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Now why would someone go and do that?
I am delighted to write that the response on the Hill has been to support the threatened bars and to pity the poor benighted soul who thought writing those threats was a good idea. Of course, there will be a pub crawl this Friday through ten of the eleven bars targeted.
What could be more thoughtful than a community pub crawl? This message from the Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce:
The Capitol Hill Community is very concerned about the hostile threats made to 11 gay bars in our neighborhood and we would like to encourage everybody to come together to show their support.This is the sweetest damn thing I've ever heard. I am absolutely serious when I say thank you, Capitol Hill Presbyterian, for showing your support to one of the pillars of our community - gay bars.
James Kearny of Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church is arranging a prayer walk this Saturday at 9 am (Jan 10) and has invited members of his church as well as members of a couple other churches on the hill and would also like to extend an invitation out members of the Chamber.
Participants will meet at the church steps and split into groups to walk over and pray at the various locations. It should take an hour or so. Pastor Kearny hopes this will help lead us to being a better, safer, more loving neighborhood.
They make night life delightful, relatively safe, and karaoke-filled, and they've been suffering in this economy like the rest of us. It's really nice to hear that there will be spiritual as well as economic support from the community in the face of this latest kick to the nads.
My dance card is full
Tut tut
I can still talk about how cool everything looked yesterday - I was reminded of the outdoor city scenes in Bladerunner. Sci-fi film noir chic. Wait...does that mean that Seattle is LA from the future?
Per usual, Seattle didn't get the worst of it. Although I think we may have acquired a moat...
I feel terrible for everyone who is being flooded or is about be. I hope this is a clue-in to policymakers that we need a better flood prevention strategy, especially since deluges during the winter are only going to become more common due to climate change. Less development on the floodplain, perhaps?
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Everybody walks on the Hill
I hope to wander by this evening, and not just for the free food (yes, I'm a member of the Chamber). I was excited when I found out that Feet First had made walking maps for a bunch of Seattle neighborhoods. My excitement was tempered when I found out that Feet First hadn't made one for the Hill and wasn't going to anytime soon simply because we were so awesome that everybody already knew where all the cool stuff was.
But now, our time has come! We too get a super shiny walking map to peruse and hang with pride in our apartments! Now tourists can escape the the boredom of Downtown and discover the wonder that is Capitol Hill...without having to use their cars!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Starting the New Year off right...
I know what I'll be doing on January 21st
In the immortal words of JoshMahar: "If you want to help make sure these projects don't suck, be sure to go to the Design Review Meetings"
Wednesday, January 21st
SCCC, Room 4106
6:30pm - 1623 Bellevue Review
8:00pm - 1650 Olive Way Review
New Year's Resolution: Dark Sky Parks
Sadly, I can't do it by myself. So how about it Capitol Hill? City of Seattle? Want to see the stars?