Sunday, December 7, 2008

Attn: Frank Chopp

Dear Frank Chopp:

Viaduct Update: Surface/Transit is Cheaper

Please listen to us. It's the people of Seattle: you know, the ones who live right next to the Alaskan Way Viaduct. We want a surface option to replace the Viaduct. It will support the traffic flow we need it to support, it will shorten the period of time that downtown Seattle is a giant traffic snarl, and it will be cheaper.

Our economy is in a shambles and we needed rebuild the Viaduct ten years ago. We can't afford to wait, but we'll hardly be able to afford to build the replacement. Do you realize how important it is that there's a viable option for the viaduct that hugely less expensive than the others? Do you realize how much we'll need those hundreds of millions of dollars for other important city and state services, like public transportation, education, housing aid, parks, public libraries, and infrastructure maintenance?

So, please, work with us on this one. We know how important giant freeway malls are to you, but now is not the time and our waterfront is not the place.

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